If you heard about The Half Day Diet by Nate Miyaki and you are looking for more information about it that will help you understand if this diet plan worth your time or not, then you are warmly welcome to check our today’s in-depth review.

On this Half Day Diet review, we will explain what Nate Miyaki’s program is all about, what you can expect to get after you purchase it, and which pros and cons you should take into account when you make your final decision about it.

First of all, let’s understand how the Half Day Diet works…


Nate Miyaki The Half Day Diet

What Exactly Is The Half Day Diet Plan?


Created by Nate Miyaki, a well-known trainer, fitness author, and fat loss expert, The Half Day Diet is an easy-to-follow handbook that will show you how to implement a “half day” method of dieting, so that your body starts burning small amounts of fats even if you’re not on a low-carb diet.

Nate said that adopting a strict low-carb diet for weight loss is counterproductive. Cutting all types of carb-rich foods or consuming them at the wrong times will not help you get out of the Carb-Loop cycle, which is responsible for your cravings and midnight binges.

He further says that he stumbled upon a research that says people only needs to be on a low-carb diet in specific times of the day in order to achieve the same benefits of a 24-hour low-carb diet. You’ll learn everything about that in The Half Day Diet handbook.

More specifically, the Half Day Diet is composed of 3 parts or ‘Pillars,’ which all work together to help you achieve your weight loss goals safely and effectively. Here is a short summary of these 3 parts:

  • In the first part, Nate Miyaki will teach you how to tweak proteins, fats, and carbs by simply choosing the macronutrient templates that fit your needs. These templates tell you the right foods, timing, and serving size that you should follow to maximize your fat-burning potential.
  • In the second part, you’ll learn how to modify your diet to suit your unique needs and lifestyle.
  • As you lose weight, your nutritional needs and goals would also change. Thus, in the last part, you have different ‘templates’ you could use to ensure you keep losing or maintain your weight. Examples are the “Strength Training” template, “Beach Physique” template, and “Sedentary” template.

Nate also included several free bonuses in the his Day Diet package. These include:

1. “The Restaurant & Fast Food Survival Guide” that contains helpful information on how you can enjoy eating out without worrying about ruining your diet.

2. You don’t have to give up drinking while on this diet, and “The Happy Hour Handbook” will teach you what you should eat before you officially begin a night of social drinking, the specific time you should do this, Nate’s secret hangover remedy, and a lot more.

3. “The Holiday Fat Loss Manual” contains a 7-step plan that will teach you how NOT to overeat during special occasions (birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.), so you don’t have to ruin your weight loss results.

4. For thirty days, Nate offers a free access to his exclusive “Flat Belly Platinum Club”, where you’ll get in touch with like-minded individuals, and find lots of different recipes, tips for dieting, weekly videos, and “Virtual Nutritionist” software, among other useful items.

This is just a sneak peak of what’s inside The Half Day Diet. For more details about this unique diet plan, kindly visit its official homepage here.

Now, let’s go over the various pros and cons of Nate Miyaki’s program…


The Half Day Diet review

The Pros And Cons Of The Half Day Diet


The Pros


No Need To Deprive Yourself Of Yummy Carbs

A traditional low-carb diet is almost impossible to maintain. That’s why Nate’s “half-day” style of dieting is a blessing to those who really want to lose weight safely and effectively for as long as they want. You can still enjoy your favorite carb-rich foods and keep losing weight as long as you follow Nate’s strategies (i.e., the exact time to eat your carbs to burn fat for energy) and the templates laid out in this guide.

Avoid Dieting Plateaus

We’re sure you know the purpose of a cheat day. The problem with following certain diets, such as a low-carb diet, for a long time is that the body slowly adapts and burn fewer calories eventually. By setting up a cheat day, you’re simply giving your metabolism a jolt, so it continues to burn off extra fats.

The Half Day Diet plan is one of the very few diet plans that grow with you. Once you start shedding the extra pounds, you can choose a different “template” to match your goals, nutrition requirements, and other needs. In that way, you maintain or continue losing weight without fear of hitting a plateau.

Created By A Well-Known Fat Loss Expert

Nate Miyaki is a big name in the world of fitness. He has established a successful practice in the San Francisco area, and he has also authored different books, like The Samurai Diet and The Truth About Carbs. He studied Kinesiology at San Francisco State University and secured different certifications and achievements, which you can check out at his official website.

Helps You Avoid The Common Pitfalls Of Low-Carb Diets

Do you know a low-carb diet can give you bad breath? Well, it does. Since there’s a lack of supply of carbs, your body looks for alternative fuel sources, like your stored body fats. The process of burning these fats produces ketones, which your body excretes via your breath and urine.

That’s just one adverse effect of a strict low-carb diet. Its other adverse effects are increased late-night cravings, low energy levels, and rebound weight gain. According to an important study, eliminating carbs from your regular diet could make you absentminded, fuzzy headed, unable to focus, and have difficulty learning. [1]

Refund Offered Within Sixty Days

Nate Miyaki is willing to put his name in the line by offering a full refund guarantee if The Half Day Diet plan fails to give you results. With all his success in the fitness industry, we highly doubt you’ll take advantage of this offer; however it is always a great advantage to have this option just in case…


The Cons


Takes Time To Adjust

The amount of carbs you have to cut back would depend on the amount of excess weight you have to lose. Now, if you’re not willing to make any changes in the foods you eat, especially the exact time you need to eat them, you might not be able to benefit from this at all.

It Seems That The Discounted Price Is Only For A Limited Time

As of the last time we checked, there were 778 copies (out of 2,000) left at a special discounted price. According to Nate Miyaki, once all of these 2000 copies will be sold, the price of The Half Day Diet will increase. This is something that can make the program too expensive for those on a short budget.

Not Available As A Hard Copy

The Half Day Diet system comes in digital format, so it’s easy for you to secure a copy. With that said, if you are the type of person who prefer reading from a hard-cover book, you are probably going to be a bit disappointed here…


Half Day Diet planThe Bottom Line

Overall, The Half Day Diet is a great diet plan for people who want to lose weight effectively and safely without totally giving up their favorite carb-rich foods. We must admit that after reviewing Nate Miyaki’s credentials and achievements our skepticism toned down, and from our research it seems that Nate is telling the truth regarding the clinical studies he stumbled upon. For instance, we easily found the 2011 study published in the journal Obesity online. If you want to read more about it, here’s the link.

The thing that we really appreciate about The Half Day Diet is that when you follow it you don’t have to starve yourself or spend hours in the gym in order to lose weight. Nate Miyaki believes that if you continue following that unhealthy path, you’ll increase your risk for a slow metabolism, messed up hormones, put your health in danger, and would most likely gain back the weight you lost. We must say that we agree with Mate on this point, and think that his beliefs make The Half Day Diet much safer compared to similar fat loss programs online…

Of course, The Half Day Diet program also has some downsides, and like other plans, it will require you to tweak your current diet in order to achieve the results Nate Miyaki promised. If you’re not willing to do that, or if you simply still believe in following a strict diet and rigorous exercises, then The Half Day Diet might not be for you.

On the other hand, if you want a diet plan that was created by a known expert in the industry, if you’re tired of yo-yo diets, or if you simply want a fat loss program that’s truly safe and effective, then The Half Day Diet is a great option for you.

All in all, we don’t see why you won’t start getting results from The Half Day Diet in around two weeks as long as you follow Nate’s strategies to the letter. In the worst case, if it fails to deliver the results you were expecting, you can simply recover your initial investment since a 60-day refund guarantee is available…

Click Here To Get The Half Day Diet Program With All The Bonuses At A Special Discounted Price, And Find Out How You Can Start Burning Fat While Still Eating Yummy Carbs Every Day!

Well, that’s everything we had to say about The Half Day Diet. We sincerely hope this diet plan will help you become fit and healthy for good, and we wish you the best!

Rita and Alex



[1] Kristen E. D’Anci, Kara L. Watts, Robin B. Kanarek, and Holly A. Taylor. (2009). “Low-carbohydrate weight-loss diets. Effects on cognition and mood.” Appetite. Vol. 52, Pages 96-103. Retrieved from http://ase.tufts.edu/psychology/spacelab/pubs/Atkins_Appetite_inpress.pdf.