Arts & Entertainment Products Reviews

Evan Sharboneau Trick Photography and Special Effects

Trick Photography & Special Effects – Real 2nd Edition Review


If you heard about the Trick Photography & Special Effects 2nd Edition by Evan Sharboneau and you try to fully understand if this product is actually for you then continue reading and discover if Evan Sharboneau’s course is really worth your money or not.

On this Trick Photography And Special Effects review we will share with you all the information and details we believe you must know about Evan Sharboneau’s system and will examine the pros and cons of the Trick Photography & Special Effects package in details so you can figure out if this course is the ideal selection for you or not.

Let’s start and before everything else, understand what the Trick Photography & Special Effects is all about.


Evan Sharboneau Trick Photography and Special EffectsWhat Exactly Is The Trick Photography And Special Effects?

Created by Evan Sharboneau, an independent photography professional and the founder & owner of the popular PhotoExtremist blog, Trick Photography and Special Effects can be best described as a powerful combination of a comprehensive guide and complete video tutorials for both newbie and advanced photographers who are interested in perking up their knowledge and skills in photography so they can create jaw-dropping shots and images complete with striking special effects by only using a basic DSLR camera and simple to complex techniques.

The main guide of the Trick Photography & Special Effects 2nd Edition course contains 295 pages and 3 different modules, while the video section of this course comes with over 9 hours of step-by-step video tutorials that describe in details how to use some “unorthodox” methods such as Insomnia, Shadow Illusions, Levitation Photography, The Orton Effect and much more.

Besides the main guide and the complete video tutorials, Evan Sharboneau also offers 4 bonus items for everyone that will buy his Trick Photography and Special Effects 2nd Edition package. We won’t linger on these bonus items at this review because everything you should know about them can be found at this page, however in a nutshell here are the four bonuses that Evan Sharboneau offers these days:


  • The Core Photography Fundamentals guide.
  • A quick guide for Filters for Lenses and Plug-Ins for Photoshop.
  • The Introduction To External Flash Manual.
  • The “How to Make Money with Photography” Guide.


This is just a basic overview of what you can get when purchasing the Trick Photography and Special Effects system. Now, to help you decide whether this course is really for you or not let’s talk about some of the main pros and cons of Evan Sharboneau’s package.


Trick Photography & Special Effects 2nd editionThe Pros And Cons Of Trick Photography And Special Effects


The Pros


Low Initial Cost

One thing that we can definitely say about the Trick Photography and Special Effects course is that all types of photographers will find it a very cost-effective choice.

The Trick Photography & Special Effects course contains almost everything you need to know about trick photography, and what is really great about it is that you don’t have to pay for monthly magazine subscriptions, seminars or books to further enhance your skills and knowledge in this field.

Provides Lots Of Tricks And Tips

Even with the relatively low price, it’s obvious that Evan Sharboneau didn’t hold back and inside his Trick Photography & Special Effects course he shares everything he knows from his years of research and experimentation.

This course contains 3 modules that are packed with unique methods, such as Insomnia, Spiral Plants, Shadow Illusions, Levitation Photography, The Orton Effect, Escaping the TV and more, and with such a great compilation of tricks, strategies and knowledge there is no surprise that this course has been dubbed as the “Trick Photography Bible” by many experts online.

Very Enjoyable To Read

Quite surprisingly, Evan Sharboneau has a very nice writing style and he explains everything in detail, but in a simplistic style which make his main guide very enjoyable to read.

In addition, unlike other products similar to this one, Evan Sharboneau made sure that he gave precise instructions on how to properly execute each trick included in this course so you’ll never be left guessing what you should do next.

Helps You To Effortlessly Develop Stunning Shots and Images

Another thing that we personally like about the Trick Photography and Special Effects 2nd Edition is the fact that you don’t need to invest on a lot of expensive gadgets or software just to create very impressive realistic-looking photos by using the methods you will learn inside the course. All you need is a working DSLR camera, and you’re good to go.

Useful For Both Newbie And Professional Photographers

With this product, you’re provided with virtually limitless tricks, tips and strategies that can be used by would-be and advanced photographers. Regardless of your photography background, gender, or age, it’s guaranteed that you’ll pick up something useful from this course to level up your skills and knowledge in photography.

Supported By A 100% Risk-Free, Money-Back Guarantee

It’s obvious that Evan Sharboneau is very confident with his Trick Photography and Special Effects course, because he’s not hesitant to offer people a full refund of their money if they’re not satisfied with his product.

Although we believe that there’s a slim chance that you’ll ever have to take advantage of this guarantee, it is always good to have this option, which actually makes the Trick Photography and Special Effects course a completely risk-free one.


The Cons


May Be A Bit Overwhelming

Well, as much as we like step-by-step instructions and detailed information, this course may be too overwhelming for some individuals. In addition, Evan Sharboneau includes some details that we personally think are not really that necessary at times which make the main guide longer than it should be.

Teaches Completely Unorthodox Methods

Many of the methods and ideas introduced in this course are not what you’ll usually find in other trick photography products out there and Evan Sharboneau shares totally unorthodox information in his guide and videos which may or may not make you feel overwhelmed.

If you plan to purchase this system you need to be open-minded about completely new ideas regarding developing and understanding trick photography.

It’s A Digitally Formatted Course

The entire Trick Photography and Special Effects 2nd Edition system is available in PDF and video formats, and you can only purchase this product online.

While the fact that it’s digitally formatted can be a great advantage for some since it saves printing and shipping costs, and allows you to conveniently bring and read it wherever you need to go, some people who like the feel of a real book or physical DVDs may be a bit disappointed.

Trick Photography and Special Effects ReviewThe Bottom Line

Whether you’re just starting to discover your passion for photography or have been doing it for years, we personally believe you’ll be impressed with the Trick Photography and Special Effects system by Evan Sharboneau.

This system was developed by a reputable and known photographer and really contains almost limitless amount of information that can help photographers to level up their game without breaking the bank because of costly equipment and software. Actually, if you have a DSLR camera then you can absolutely start mastering all the methods shared in this course for creating visually stunning images, since no other equipment is needed.

In addition, the way Evan Sharboneau explains everything in simple terms complete with detailed explanations is a huge advantage and something which you rarely find from other authors or products in this industry.

With that said, the Trick Photography & Special Effects product is not for everyone.

Firstly, if you’re not completely comfortable learning totally unconventional photography tricks, then Evan Sharboneau’s course may not be for you. In addition, if your goal is to find a short and cheap guide that covers just the basics of photography then you may get too overwhelmed by the Trick Photography & Special Effects course and we believe that you can find better and cheaper options for you online.

On the other hand, if you’re looking forward to mastering the craft of trick photography and you unwilling to shell out a lot of money on pricey tools, software or monthly magazine subscriptions then the Trick Photography & Special Effects is probably your best bet.

This course, in our opinion, is one of the greatest non-fluff and inexpensive photography courses out on the market today that’ll really teach you easy-to-implement, effective and one-of-a-kind techniques and concepts from start to the end.

Moreover, you don’t have to be a genius in photography to pull every trick found in this guide and if you’re not absolutely impressed by this course then Evan Sharboneau is more than willing to give you back all your money, so actually you can start following his Trick Photography & Special Effects course with virtually no risk, even today…

Click Here To Get The Complete Trick Photography & Special Effects System At Limited Time Reduced Price And Find Out How To Take Your Photography Skills To A Whole New Level Now!

We hope that our Trick Photography and Special Effects review was helpful for you. If you are looking for few more details about this course then below is one video from Evan Sharboneau which you may find to be useful as well.

We wish you all the best!

Rita and Alex



Superior Singing Method Aaron Anastasi

Superior Singing Method By Aaron Anastasi – A Real Review



It seems that the creators of the Superior Singing Method made some changes to the program since we wrote this review. From the moment they made these changes, we started getting mixed reviews from our blog readers, and we will not recommend this course anymore.

For your reference, our original review is still below. However, please note that it is outdated, and at the moment we will recommend you to check other options online.

Here is a comprehensive singing course which gets very good feedback that we will highly recommend to check out.

Thanks for your visit!

Rita and Alex 🙂


Superior Singing MethodWhat Exactly Is The Superior Singing Method?

Created by Aaron Anastasi, a professional voice coach who has worked with some of the biggest names in the music industry, the Superior Singing Method can be best described as an online voice training program that promises to teach people how to radically improve their singing voice in just 60 days.

Whether you have prior background in singing or not, Aaron Anastasi designed this course to help you either enhance your singing talent or help you change your “frog singing voice” into a “mermaid singing voice.”

The Superior Singing Method course is carefully divided into 8 easy-to-follow modules, with each focusing on a specific area of vocal training. We won’t describe all the modules in details, however in short, here are the main things that you’ll learn inside each module:


Module 1: Unique Vocal Warm Up Exercises – preparation for advanced singing.

Module 2: Breath Management and Diaphragm Breathing – techniques for controlling breathing.

Module 3: Mastering Vocal Tone – ways to improve the tone quality of your voice.

Module 4: Improving Pitch – how to sing on pitch and recognize the right pitch.

Module 5: Resonance & Singing with Powell – teaches you how to strengthen your singing voice without compromising the tone quality.

Module 6: The Mix Voice & Singing Higher Notes – how to effortlessly sing higher notes without straining your vocal cords.

Module 7: Enhancing Vocal Agility – tips for staying on pitch and developing the suppleness of your voice.

Module 8: Advanced Strengthening & Vocal Techniques – provides vocal exercises for developing your vocal strength and vibrato.


In addition to the main 8 modules, the Superior Singing Method also comes with 4 bonus items in the package.

The first bonus item is the “How to Sing Harmony” video which features the two-time Grammy award-winning producer Nathan Chapman. The second bonus is the “Complete Guide to Perform” which contains valuable tips on how to prepare your mind and body for singing. Third, you get the “Superior Singing Manual” which contains 120 pages and shares ideas on how to further improve your singing, and lastly, the “Guide to Music Marketing” is a useful manual that will show you the ropes on how to market yourself.

That’s basically what you will find inside the Superior Singing Method course. Now, let’s move on and get to the most important part – the pros and cons of the Superior Singing Method.

The Superior Singing Method ReviewThe Pros And Cons Of The Superior Singing Method


The Pros


Take It Anywhere You Want

We personally believe that this is one of the best things about this course and you don’t have to confine yourself at home, in a singing studio, or wherever to learn how to sing with the Superior Singing Method.

The exercises contained in this course can be stored, viewed and heard from your iPod, MP3 player, tablet, laptop or iPhone, which means you can have more time to practice while on the go, something that will results in significant improvement at no time at all.

Easy to Understand Lessons

We also really like how Aaron Anastasi has divided his entire course into easy-to-follow lessons/modules, complete with step-by-step instructions that can be easily understood by even the most novice student.

No Waiting Time Involved

The Superior Singing Method is an online course which means that there’s nothing to be shipped. You can instantly download the entire course and the bonus items online, which doesn’t take that long to do. In that way, you can immediately take advantage of the lessons and reach your maximum singing potential faster.

Great Members Area

The members’ area of the Superior Singing Method gives you access to video lessons, singing tips and a chance to interact with the rest of the community AND Aaron Anastasi himself. The “Interactive Q&A Feature,” on the other hand, is where you can post your most pressing questions for Aaron Anastasi.

All the material at the members’ area, together with the great support that you can get there, makes it much easier to practice and absorb all the lessons and see real improvement quickly.

Much More Affordable Than Taking Voice Lessons

Depending on where you live and the professional experience and knowledge of your vocal coach, it’s really expensive to take actual voice lessons, probably more than you think. In New York, for instance, you could spend anywhere between $35 and $45 for a 30-minute lesson and if you want a one-hour lesson, it’ll cost you around $60-$150.

On the other hand, for a one-time payment, Aaron Anastasi offers full access to all the material of his Superior Singing Method course, which makes it way more affordable than voice lessons and an excellent solution for people who simply can’t spend so much on this kind of lessons.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Still stuck with that not-so-sweet-sounding singing voice? Not totally impress with this course? Well, you don’t need to worry. The Superior Singing Method comes with full 60-day money back guarantee, and although the fact that this course has very low refund rate it is always better to know that you are covered.


The Cons


Discipline And Dedication Are Needed

You can’t be a slacker when it comes to this voice training course and you’ll have to push yourself to spend time and effort in order to practice all the techniques and methods shared in the Superior Singing Method.

Remember, you’ll have no teacher standing beside you to train you all the way.

Get Ready To Make Some Lifestyle And Diet Changes

Just like professional singers, you’ll have to be conscious about what you eat if you want to get the best results from the Superior Singing Method. There are different varieties of foods that will either positively or negatively impact your voice and because of that you really have to be meticulous with your diet.

Likewise, lifestyle can also greatly impact your voice and some lifestyle changes may also be required in order to achieve optimum results.

It’s A “Digital” Voice Lesson Course

We personally think that this is a great thing, as what we’ve pointed in the “pros” section of this review. However, not all people are the same and there will be some who still prefer to personally take lessons from a vocal coach in an “actual setting”.

Superior Singing Method Aaron AnastasiThe Bottom Line

Overall, we personally really like the concept of the Superior Singing Method which gives you freedom and allows you to upload the exercises to your smartphone, laptop and other gadgets, so you can practice the lessons whenever, wherever.

Probably the best thing about this course is the way that Aaron Anastasi broken down the lessons into 8 easy-to-follow modules. Each level/module targets specific area of vocal training and the step-by-step approach that he uses is truly impressive.

In addition, the fact that you can take advantage of helpful videos and a great members-only area, wherein you can get extra tips, learn how to effectively marketing yourself as a talented singer, ask questions and interact with other members is a huge advantage over similar voice training programs online.

With that said, the Superior Singing Method course is not for everyone.

If you’re not willing to put in time and effort or if you’re more comfortable with the idea of getting lessons in real-world setting, then the Superior Singing Method may not be for you. You must understand that you have to fully cooperate and keep practicing the lessons in order to hear the results in about 60 days. In simple words, if you think that just purchasing the Superior Singing Method and do nothing else will help you become a famous singer then we won’t recommend you spending your money on Aaron Anastasi’s course.

On the other hand, if you are ready to put in some efforts and work hard in order to radically improve your singing voice without spending $100’s or even $1000’s on actual voice lessons, then the Superior Singing Method is absolutely for you.

Moreover, if you will not be satisfied with this course you can always get a 100% refund of your hard-earned money within 60 days, something that actually makes the Superior Singing Method by Aaron Anastasi a completely risk-free voice training program for you…

That’s it for our Superior Singing Method review. We hope that this review was helpful for you and we also want to say ‘good luck’ with your dream of becoming the best singer you can be!

Alex and Rita

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